Thursday, January 17, 2008

differant kinds of entrys

Its been a crazy time for me latly. Sence i have been back to school i have dont basicly nothing but get ready for exams. which ment LOTS of homework. nornamly exams them selfs are more stress full for me than the few weeks before, but this year my exams arent too bad but before exams was CRAZY. day after day i have TONS of homework and not much time for anything elses. it kinda made me sad. but as i take my exams i am glade i put so much work into the past few weeks just because now the exams them selfs arnt too bad.

i am more of a leader kind of person rather than a follower. i am the one people go to if they want to know somthing. i am the person who orginizes everything. Me and my friend cora were sitting in my living room on new years eve and we were trying to make resolutions. well cora said maybe this year we all could help you out rather than you just figuring out everything. i turned to her and said cora if we make that our resolution it wont last 3 days. and you better bet the mext day people were calling me about a bunch of differant things. So i think that when i am stressed out about somthing its not just one thing. its a bunch of things. and i think its also manly because somtimes/ all the time i take on took much. and when people ask me if they can do anything i either say no or give them a little bit to do because i dont think they will do it or they forget or somthing like that. i know thats bad but its just how i feel. Also this year i am working on not freeking out at people when they make me mad. i tend to just start snapping at them and i have found that it dosent help the matter any better. So thats what i have been working on. its manly just with my friends that i am working on it but i should probaly start trying with my family too.

Do you ever feel like you arnt home enough or you should be hanging out with your family but you try to get out of it? well thats been happening to me alot. i feel really bad about it but i dont know what else to do. somtimes i dont even relize i am doing it. i got a cute mesage from my mom the other day saying that she missed my older brother and she dident want to miss me. it was one of the sweetest mesages i have ever gotten. but when i got it i was on my way to the mall with my friend and not home, so i felt gilty about not being home. and alot of the time i am at my friend jesses house more than my own house, and i know my family misses me, but somtimes its easyer for me to be there because all we seem to do latly is fight. i guess i am trying to be home more but its hard. sence will has left they feel like they never see me and i know i am going to collage in a year and they know that too. which makes them think there isant much more time left with me. So i am working on that also. i have alot of goals for me this year.

My last goal of this entry is..... To see Phillis in real life! not many people will know what i am saying but the ones who do i hope it makes you laugh!! its a goal i HAVE to acheve before schools out!

Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else. 1 Thessalonians 5:15


Anonymous said...

yaaaaay you updated your blog! so fun.
and i loooove all your goals..
they are very good,
i will help you stick to them!
but by far my favorite is to see phillis!
i loooove you sooo stinkin much.
yay for easy exams!
i'll probably talk to you in 5 minutes since we never stop talking but anyways...
talk to you soon

Dilyn said...

hey girl.
i know exactly what you are talking about with the whole feeling like you should be home more. that is something i have struggled with for years and still do. just remember that whatever you choose to do with your time, your parents know you love them and know you are a great decision maker.
when you are home, it's not about quantity, but quality. one thing i started doing more was having lunch with my mom, either at home or out. it's a great place for conversation starters....i know it's easy to get mad, but when you are talking to her about stuff, picture her being your age...because she was! :-)