Wednesday, May 6, 2009


ok wow so i rly have been slacking on writing on this. sry everyone! but i Finlay have time to stop and write....

ok so summers approaching and im getting more and more eager to get out of here! but also im starting to get sad, manly because everyone is leaving and im still going to be here. dont get me wrong i love mason in all its littleness but sometimes you grow out of something and just need a change. its not a bad thing, its just change.

but anyways back on track. thats why the title of this entry is losing. i just get nerves when i hear people talk about how they never see there old high school friends anymore. i have 2 of my best friends going ot the same collage and i dont want to be the odd ball out when they come home. and i kno i wont its just that scary feeling that i have. i feel like im going to lose them and i dont want to. but also i have friends here that aren't out of school yet and i feel like i wont ever see them anymore either and that also scares me. idk im sure everyone feels this way at one point in time but it just scares me.

ALSO i have this sweet person that i kno. she lives far away but is going to go to a collage kinda close to MI and thats sweet but it makes me sad because were both SOOO busy that we cant even talk on the phone for more than 5 mins. kinda sucks but its both our falts were just so busy right now.

so anyways its just hard to think that i could possibly lose some of the most important people in my life and i dont know about you but thats terrifying to me!

1 comment:

Chris said...

you're growing up :)