Wednesday, March 19, 2008

back pain story

So over the weekend i had a water polo turnee. As i play in one of the games i get like tackled by some girl! which i am ok with because thats how the game is played....

So its sunday the day after my turnee and my back starts to hurt and i dont think anythign of it. i just throw some ice and heat on it (not at the same time of corce). i do fine and just go to bed...

Monday.... i wake up and it hurts SO SO bad. but i want to go to YL and WL so i know i have to go to school, which means i also have to go to pratice. so i went to pratice and it was like a crazy pratice really hard and while i am at polo i am DIEING! in so much pain i get out of the pool and was so excited to go to WL that after pratice i wasent anymore! it was quite sad i must say. so i continued my day in pain WL then YL. get home and just want to go to bed so i went up stairs to sleep and tryed to lay down but it hurt SO bad that i couldent. i dident know what to do so i just read sitting up untill i was so tired that i couldent sit up anymore.

Tuesday.... i wake up at 6:45 like i always do and cant get out of bed. my back hurt so bad that i basicly couldent move. so i had to stay home all day. what a bummer. haha. so my mom see that i am in alot of pain now and makes me a Docs apt asap. well there wasent one till the next day in the afternoon. So.....

Wednesday...... i have to go to school because my mom dosent like it when i miss alot of days in a row. so i go. i sit and i walk and sit and walk. all day in pain. finaly it comes time to leave and go to fin out whats wrong with me! my mom seemed to think it was just a muscel spasm so i went with it. cora thought i poped a rib out of place. i dident care what it was as long as it got fixed. the doc comes in and pushes on my back (which hurt ALOT!) and finaly came to see that i had in deed poped a rib out of place. so doc owens comes in (he owns the pratice) and pops it back in. well let me tell you they say it wont hurt... but they lie! it hurt so bad! try not to pop a rib out of place. so it hurt the 1st doc lady came in gave me some perscriptions(sp?) to fill and then my mom asked the question "well what should we do about polo?" doc lady said i cant pratice the rest of the week. which is kinda bad because we have a game on tuesday and monday i have to get out early. i am going to be water logged! YIKES!!

So to conclude my supper long entry (they have been really long latly, crazy) please just pray that i dont get water logged and my back/rib thinger heals good!

just a quote today...
"obstacles are put in our way to see if what we really want is worth fighting for"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love you so much babe!
and i am sorry about all your pain!!
but i think the quote you picked is quite good and perfect for what you are going through!!
i looooooooove you oober goober.