Thursday, April 3, 2008

i am braking

let me first start off with saying that i think my testimony went prity good. but heres what happend....

i get SO nerves about these kind of things. So i tried the hole put it in the back of your mind thing to see what would happen. well normaly this dosent work because i dont have anything else to keep my mind ocupied, but sence i am playing polo i have been really bussey. so eventualy it got pushed so far back that by 4th hour on monday i remebered that i had to give my testimony and dident know what to say. i was basicly freeking out. so i tryed to do it at school but thats not the best place to do it because you are su[osted to be learning other things. so i gave up. (not good) i got to dinner and the other guy who was doing his forgot too. so we were both like whoops what do we do now? so i volenteered his to go first so i could gather stuff from his to say. that dident work out much. so ibabled alittle about mylife and i think over all it went fine but i dont think so. so if you want to know the truth ask a wyld life leader who heard it and they will tell you....

But to get back on track let me tell ya. i am getting old. or somthing!! actualy not old i am just braking! it all started at the beging of march, at the polo turni, when i poped a rib out of place. i was out of the pool a hole week then got in. not good to be out for a week then play in a game. so you know i am fine for a few days but then i get hit with this HORABLE cold. i am coughing up a storm shivering like no other and have a fever. wen to pratice that day. came home dident go to school the next day. so i am like this for like a week. i go to pratice and one day dont pratice because i feel like crap. the next day dont go to school whitch means no pratice too. so again out of the pool even more days. i finaly start to get over my cold i still have a horable cough but i am doing good. yesterday morning i wake up and my eye kinda hurts and iches. i dont think anything of it and went to school. somebody told me that my eye looked pink and i was like what ever and went to my next class. (no one else saw my pink eye) so i had a game and my friends came to my game (the ones who saw my eye at school) and said my eye was really red but the other wasent. so i went to talk to my team mates and they all were like you need to get that checked out. so i went to my mommy and she said we were going to the docs.

So here i am at home while school is in sesion because if it is pink eye then i cant go to school and spred it! i am board out of my mind and trying to figure out why i keep braking. because if it is pink eye i cant swim again. dont get me wrong i love not going to pratice but my team gets made at me and i dont like that! so thats mym story of how i am braking. one thing after another.....

proverbs 3:6
"Seek his will in all you do and he will show you which path to take."

My leader Dilyn had this in her away mesage and i liked it. it makes me relize that i dont have to alway find my way on my own but god is always there guiding me! : )

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