Monday, December 22, 2008

taking life one step at a time...

there are some things that i will never understand... (actualy theres probaly alot) but the main one is... if god wants us to be happy and have good lives then why dose he put us through situations that arnt good... or why bad/ sad things happen to us...

i'v just always wonder that. and i know that if i were to ask someone whose a Christan i would get alot of different ancwers but i think the main one would be its the devil trying to mess with you and mess things up... welli for one would like to know how to stop it. theres just some things in my life that i would like to know why they are/have happend to me. its just somthing im always trying to figure out but i know ill never know. just wish i could figure it out. as said in a boy meets world "lifes tough, get a helmet" but somtimes wareing a helmet wont help you from getting hurt... when do you do then??

the unanswerable questions... i just wish i could ancwer them not just for me but for those who have the same questions... the people who try to figure them out too...

all i know is that those questions are unanswered and only god can fix them for us. so my advice to you and me is to stop over thinking it all and take life one step at a time. some good will come out of it... and for the things that your struggling with jut pray and he will ancwer...

its hard for me to take my own advice so its probaly hard for someone who dosnt even know me to take it... i just hope it helps...

John 3:17
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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