Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jesus loves me this i know..

last night i went to church for the first time in a long time. i forgot how much i missed it. My favorite speaker spoke and it was just one of the best talks i have hared in a long time. Noel (the speaker) talked about temptations and about john the baptist. we read through Luke about how Jesus was in the woods (idk if it was woods forest or anything else something like that) for 40 days and how he wasn't able to eat for all 40 days and satin would try and trick Jesus into disobaying god but he never did. Noel talked aboout how we made our houses out of dinomite (well it was something explosive) and everytime we lied we would add more and more gasaline to our house and somday it would blow up but if we beleive in god he will save us from our house....

So anyways it was a really good service. and i also got to go with my friend natalee who has just recently gone of wilderness. its was a good day. hearing that talk reminded me how much Jesus loves me. and that even though you may think at that point in your life you cant handle somthing that he throughs at you, he knows best and he will be there every step of the way no matter how made you are at him he will always be there.

: )

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