Friday, September 4, 2009

Do you ever wonder...?

Do you ever wonder why the the sky's blue?
Do you ever wonder why the grass is green?
Do you ever wonder why god chose you?
Do you ever wonder why when you finally start to get close to someone their taken away from you?
I do.

I've wondered all my life. and I've always asked why. but what i really want to know is why dose god let you get SO close to someone and test by taking them away. that's what i wonder. i wonder this for many reasons. reasons that i cant even explain to myself, but try everyday of my life.

So if you wonder, and you feel the way i do, I'm sorry i know how you feel. but if you don't wonder then i think 1. that's good, sometimes but 2. maybe its good once in awhile to wonder about things. its hard to wonder about good things like why the sky is blue and not green. but its so easy to wonder about things that aren't good in life. like why is over half going hungry, or are poor, are homeless. its so easy to wonder that.

so what i think my challenge god gave me was to wonder about things and ask why, because if no one ever dose that then the world would be an even worse place. that's what i think. that's what i hope, and that's what i wonder.

Do you ever wonder why penguins cant fly?

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