Monday, December 10, 2007

Filling your life with everything, but god...

lately i have been finding myself stressed out. manly about my grade in Econ. but about other things too. i have been feeling myself putting a ton of things first when i know i shouldent be putting them in that order. or i will go and do all this stuff for like wyld life and young life, but not leave time for school work and just praying or praticing piano or just reading my bible by myself. even thow when i am in young life i am learnig about god i still am not getting the fullness out of it. Also i always feel obligated to go to Young Life after D.I.G. even thow thats time i should be studying so i can go to bed soon that night or somthing like that. i just find myself stressing about small things and procrastinate more and more each day.

when i think about things like this i start to think if only i would take time out of my day just to sit and ask god questions. or before i go to bed just lay and pray. but i dont and then i get frustarted and fed up with myself. its just one of thows things where if i dont do it i feel lost and start to get more and more bussy with other things and forget the true reason why i am here.

i talk to one of my YL leaders tonight about my econ grade and what she thinks i shoudl do and i told her one of the reasons why i am not doing as well is because i am not getting as much studying done as i want. and she said that i need to start to drop some things. but the thing is i just cant part with droping something for a week. even thow i know i probaly should i just dont and it makes it harder and harder. It also seems like everyweek i do more and more, which is less time i alow myself to study. or i find myself staying up later and later just to study. . .

1 comment:

Chris said...

i helped sean smitley with econ last can totally do it!