Monday, February 11, 2008


So i would have to say that monday nights sre my favorite nights of the week! you may think eww mondays suck. well i think YES MONDAYS!! as much as i hate getting up in the morning and going to school on a monday i still love them. manly because of Wyld life and Young life.


i love being a Jr. leader! this hole year i have helped lead middle school kids to christ. its amazing to see how they grow to god just for once a week. i love getting connected to them and seeing them light up when ever they see me. its one of the best feelings in the world! and i am SO happy i get to experiance it. We have dinner at my house every week before we go off to wyld life. And we recently just started a little bible study before we eat. it helps to just read the bible before to keep in mind the reason we are doing this. its just amazing. and i love it. its helps me get to know incoming freshmen and it helps me grow stronger in my own faith. which i always good.

me and another leader get the privlige to shar our testimony with the middle school kids. for me at times i feel like YES i love giving my testimony and then there are the times when i am like oh i have to give my testimony to middle schoolers... its not the easyest thing to do, espesaly in front of middle schoolers. it will be a chalenge for me, and i like a good challenge!


EVERY week i go to YL. its the best time ever. seeing people you love and singing songs as off key as posible. its amazing. words just cant discibe how much i love it. best time ever and i think everyone should go. young life is just one of those things that i cant discribe with out it sounding like "oh i dont want to go". So i always just say you have to go to really understand the joy of it. i just LOOOOVE young life. thats all i can say...


So right now in my life i am experiancing god in a hole another way. its a good way. i am getting closer to him and in need of somthing stronger. My church is doing baptisms this sunday and i have never been baptised. my parents wanted it to be our choice. i really want to do it. i was talkiing to my friend janae and she was like totaly do it, it will be amazing! but then she says (she lives in CO.) if you can, can you wait till i am in MI to do it because i would really want to be there when it happends. which i was like totaly. and it was funny she said that because i have fussing with the idea for a while and havent wanted to do it because she is in CO and i want her there with me! its just a hard thing for me to dicide. SO if you have any sugestions i am open to them! feel free to pass on your knowlege.

So thats where i am in mylife right now. some days its more complicated than others. but for the most part i am happy with it!

Luke 18:27
Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God."

1 comment:

Meredith said...

alison...i just love reading your thoughts and what you're thinking about life. you have such a great heart. i'm excited that you want to get baptized and that janae wants to be there for it too. i think you should listen for the still small voice of God telling you what to do in this situation. He knows that you are dedicated to him no matter what. i love you and love seeing your beautiful face around. you rock!