Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Work Crew!

So i went on work crew this last weekend. its a weekend to serve the kids and to see god work in your life in many differant ways....

i saw god SO many ways this weekend. let me first start off with on the way up there we got into an acident(sp?) it wasent with anyone other than black ice but it was crazy. it was the kind of acident where it really opens your eyes. i wont go too much into the prosses of it. but it did show me how god was there and he was whatching over us. all weekend long it kept circling in my head how if one little thing was differant then we could of gotten hurt. i also kept thinking that if god wasent there then who knows what could of happend. it opened my eyes to a hole new level. when the people in the other cars came running to see us and to make sure we are ok it made me realize how much everyone loves me and everyone in that car. i kid around with the other leaders alot and i know how much i love them but when they came running i love them more at that point of time more than i have loved the in my life! it was just crazy for me to see how god was right there with us teaching us a lesson in a way that we dont know yet...

Work crew was AMAZING! i just loved it. at times i got really frustrated with things but i got over it because it wasent my weekend and i knew that. we get stuck in this lowsy room, that the beds make nosie everytime you move and as soon as i saw it i was like no way! but then i got to thinking again this isant my week, i dont need a bed to sleep on. as long as the campers have a bed then i am fine. So i dicided i was going to be positive about it. and it turned my hole weekend around. it made the other girls who dident like the room in a bit of a better mood because i was positive about the hole thing. When i was serving/ bussing table i woukd get frustarted or not want to do it any more because it was hard. but then i would remeber that jesus loves me SO much that he wants me to be here and show everyone that i am happy and can serve with a smile. i saw God so much this weekend its crazy,but i loved it to death!

i learned this weekend to have a better attitud about things. but a more positive spin of things. So as the days go on i am going to try my hardest to be more positive about things that i wouldent normaly have a positive attitude about. because i went on work crew i found this out and i am SO glade i did. God loves me and he for sure loves you!

Psalm 105:1
Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done.

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